Safest Protocols
The safest Return to Play, Work, or Drive PROTOCOL to prevent further injury, is now available.
Measure patient brain physiology quickly and provide cloud-based patient reports for sports concussion programs, personal injury, employee-benefits, veterans, senior care organizations and much more.
For example: Studies show that around 40% of student athletes with a reported concussion actually return to play with an impaired P300 after being cleared through current subjective concussion protocols.
By taking advantage of fast, accurate, objective scans and reports you’ll be able to track your patient’s brain physiology, including performance and reactiveness.
Offer EEG brain assessment as part of yearly physical screenings ages 8 & up creating an objective baseline unique to each of your patients and better approaches to concussion recovery, return-to-play (RTP) and mental health concerns!
Track brain stages
The low cost EEG headset is easily transported and the software provides a simple analytical report on the laptop. If you are a traveling athletic trainer, chiropractor, or sports medicine doctor working at multiple practices or in a mobile capacity, our system gives you the equipment and assessment you need with ease and convenience.
Get direct measurements of cognitive resources and more following the event of possible brain injury or dysfunction. Call or email NeuroLogic today!

HRV (Heart Rate Variability) is technology integrated with our EEG equipment to analyze the frequencies between the brain and heart to determine the stress levels of the patient. The higher both frequencies are synchronized, the less stressed and anxious your patient will be.
ERP stands for “Event-Related Potential” and is the measured sensory, cognitive or motor response of the brain during an event. This is determined using EEG technology to measure electrical activity in the brain when subjected to a single stimulus.
How will it work?
NeuroLogic offers an all-in-one brain performance assessment test for use in clinical and non-clinical settings. Practitioners using the WAVi EEG platform include MD’s, DO’s, Nurse Practitioners, DC’s, PT’s, and others. This product is also well suited for Athletic Trainers, Sports Medicine physicians, and Physical Trainers. Non-certified staff can easily administer this Pre/Post screening to instantly track your proactive treatments and interventions!
We offer financing options so your practice can begin utilizing the technology at a rate you can afford. Additionally, we will teach you exactly how to promote and provide service with simple planning and forecasting tools.